Today’s question is…
What can I do if the weather is going to be bad during my event? What if it rains/snows/is below freezing?
I’ve been to conventions where it’s been absolutely sweltering and miserable (A-Kon! Dragoncon!), and cons where it’s absolutely FREEZING outside (Katsucon! Con Nooga!), and cons where it’s been pouring rain (Celebration 3!) or snow (Katsucon! Again!) the entire time.
The best thing – and really only thing – you can do is attempt to plan ahead and watch the weather forecasts for the city the con is in. Plan what costumes you’re taking/making for what the weather usually is for the area/time of the year.

(Though sometimes you can’t plan for a record-breaking blizzard the last day of the con.
For summer cons and events, try to wear costumes that aren’t overly warm… so I say after some of the crazy things I’ve worn in the Dragoncon parade. Ok so sometimes you want to wear something that doesn’t exactly fit the weather. Either way, the most important thing is to STAY HYDRATED. Hotels have water jugs and fountains set around, take advantage of them. Give yourself breaks – if it’s something you can easily remove some layers, head to a corner and take some of it off and cool down. If it’s a costume where you could build a fan in, or carry a fan, do it!

(The result of wearing 3 layers of velvet and taffeta in Atlanta in summer)
For cool weather and snow, again, try to plan ahead and wear warm costumes. I was once at a convention where it was below freezing and the convention areas were all about a 10-20 minute walk outside. Despite the fact I brought what I thought were warm costumes, I froze the entire time. It couldn’t be avoided. I had to wear my jacket over everything and have my husband carry it once we were in the building.
I have a couple of capes that I will often wear with costumes when it’s cold out. It looks much better than a jacket. And layer if you can! I’ve worn Leia to multiple Christmas events outdoors – I can wear a thermal shirt, a long-sleeve white turtleneck, and jeans underneath Leia with no one being the wiser. I was quite toasty after our Christmas parade!

(This particularly pitiful Padme picture was during one of our Christmas parades, when I did NOT layer, and froze the entire time. Pic by Glenn Stein.
Rain. Ugh! If rain is in the forecast at all for your convention trip, go ahead and bring what you might need. I always pack an umbrella, poncho, and a hair cover. Most drug stores carry those plastic head scarves – they’re great for protecting your wig in rain or strong winds. At Megacon we had a short walk from our hotel to the con center and it was VERY windy out. I wore one of those over my Sally Jupiter wig to keep it from getting blown out of place.

(It was pouring rain the entire Rebel Legion photoshoot at Celebration 3. My Leia boots still have water damage.)
If you’ve got to walk out in the rain in costume, wear a pair of flip-flops or something you don’t mind getting wet, and change at the con or event center. Dr Scholl’s sells those “Fast Flats” that wrap up very small you could also use – let those get wet instead of your costume shoes. (Also great if you’re tired of wearing heels and still have a hike back to your hotel!)